

Vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio for offshore ground motions: Analysis and simplified design equation

作者: BK Chen , DS Wang , HN Li , ZG Sun , C Li 日期 : 2017-09-08

摘要:In order to study the differences in vertical component between onshore and offshore motions, the vertical-to-horizontal peak ground acceleration ratio (V/H PGA ratio) and vertical-to-horizontal response spectral ratio (V/H) were investigated using the ground motion recordings from the K-NET network and the seafloor earthquake measuring system (SEMS). The results indicate that the vertical component of offshore motions is lower than that of onshore motions. The V/H PGA ratio of acceleration time histories at offshore stations is about 50% of the ratio at onshore stations. The V/H for offshore ground motions is lower than that for onshore motions, especially for periods less than 0.8 s. Furthermore, based on the results in statistical analysis for offshore recordings in the K-NET, the simplified V/H design equations for offshore motions in minor and moderate earthquakes are proposed for seismic analysis of offshore structures.

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